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NFPSNA Studbooks
North America offers breeders of New Forest Ponies a nice selection of stallions to breed to. For all the stallions the NFPSNA registers foals by, be sure to reference the NFPSNA Studbooks.
The NFPSNA Studbook is the official publication recording all ponies registered, licensed and/or transferred by the New Forest Pony Society of North America for the year.
Components include:
Breed Standards
NFPSNA Licensed Stallions
Non-NFPSNA Licensed Stallions from which offspring may be registered
New Purebred, Part-Bred and Section X Registrations
Transfers of Registry
Transfers of Ownership
Complete Listing of All Ponies Registered with the NFPSNAThe Studbook is printed and delivered as a hard copy at the end of January for all members from the prior year.
For those interested in collecting all the volumes and preserving the history of New Forest Ponies registered in North America, past copies are available for purchase.