a 501(c)(3)

NFPSNA Registered Pony Awards & Results
Recognizing the Accomplishments of New Forest Ponies and their Riders
New Forest Pony Society Lifetime Achievement
Congratulations to our purebred and partbred New Forest Ponies on their achievements!
Bronze Level (*)
250 Points
Sir Lancelot* 498 Points
Fox Holly Holly's Legacy* 345 Points
T Jester* 329 Points
Wrolex* 280 Points
Cheval De Bois Mousse* 267 Points
Whaiku* 261 Points
Manoravon Master Chip* 258 Points
Okjen Peppermint Twist* 255 Points

Purebred ponies LTA registered but not yet collecting points: (25)
Brando, Cheval De Bois Finis, Dimmans London, Elmholts Galant, Farabovepar, Follow Your Heart Sophia, Forrest Fern, Forrest Sable, Gabriel Creek Hope (aka Mount Bastion), Gabriel Creek Wrangler, Manoravon Master Charm, Pferdetraum Dinah, Pferdetraum Evangeline, Pferdetraum Iron Man, Pferdetraum Scuttle, Pferdetraum Sullivan, Pferdetraum Terrance, Spa Creek Arthur, Spa Creek Mimsy (aka Penny Lane), Warrior Princess, Wicked Games, Wielgerma's Zep (aka Golden Star), Wishing Well Barker, Wishing Well Cinco De Mayo, Wrosalie
Part-bred ponies LTA registered but not yet collecting points:(10)
HH Shooting Star, Masteruvperfection, Oh Kaptain Underpants SFS, Pferdetraum Hamish, Pferdetraum Morning Glory, Pferdetraum Tango, The Jester's Q, Woodberry’s Curious George, Woodberry’s Haute Comet a.k.a. Woodberry’s Inky Nib, Woodberry’s Hot Topic

New Forest Pony Society Year End Awards
Congratulations to our purebred and partbred New Forest Ponies on their achievements!
Please check out the NFPSNA Rule Book at the bottom of this page and on the Governance page for ways to compete and earn points.

To Submit Show Points Online
USDF All Breeds Awards
The NFPSNA sponsors awards for Open, Adult Amateur, and Junior/Young Rider
under saddle categories, providing awards for the first five placing at the following levels:
Prix St. Georges
Intermediate I
Intermediate II
Grand Prix
The NFPSNA also sponsors awards for in-hand Dressage Sport Horse Breeding (DSHB).
Awards are presented for the first five placing in the following divisions:
Fillies of current calendar year
Yearling fillies
Two-year-old fillies
Three-year-old fillies
Four-year-old+ maiden/yeld mares
Four-year-old+ broodmares
Colts/gelds of current calendar year
Yearling colts/geldings
Two-year-old colts/geldings
Three-year-old colts/geldings
Four-year-old and older stallions
The NFPSNA is proud to sponsor
a Breed Champion Award at the
National Dressage Pony Cup Annual Show.
NFPSNA Show Program Summary
Total of LTA registered NFPSNA ponies: 93
Total NFPSNA ponies shown in 2023: 2
Total NFPSNA LTA ponies submitting points through December 31, 2023: 58
Total NFPSNA LTA ponies registered but not submitting points through December 31, 2023: 35
2023 total points awarded : 474
Lifetime Show Program Points awarded through Dec 31, 2023: 18,186.5

USDF All-Breed Awards: Recognizing the Accomplishments of New Forest Ponies in the Sport of Dressage
The NFPSNA is pleased to participate in the Adequan®/USDF All-Breeds Awards Program, recognizing New Forests in the sport of dressage.
Please note there are eligibility requirements that must be met, both through the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) and NFPSNA.
NFPSNA Eligibility:
Ponies must be registered with the New Forest Pony Society of North America before enrolling to compete for USDF All-Breed Awards.
Purebred, Part-bred and Section X ponies may compete for USDF All-Breed Awards.
Owners of ponies must be members in good standing of the New Forest Pony Society of North America with dues having been paid in full before enrolling to compete for USDF All-Breed Awards for the year.
(See Membership for more information.)
Ponies must be shown under their registered name, or have a show name registered and on file with the NFPSNA.
(See Rule Book for more information.)
Ponies must be signed up for Lifetime Achievement.
This is a once in a lifetime enrollment and LTA Application form that must be completed, along with a copy of the registration certificate and payment, prior to enrolling to compete for USDF All-Breed Awards.
USDF Eligibility:
Note: the USDF may change eligibility at their discretion, the below is merely a guideline in helping to understand there are additional eligibility requirements that must be met with the USDF prior to being eligible to compete for USDF All-Breed Awards.
All declaration paperwork must be filed with the USDF by August 1 of the competition year in order for points from that year to go toward USDF All-Breed Awards. Please contact the USDF (www.usdf.org) for up-to-date competition rules.
All-Breeds declaration form must be on file with the USDF, along with a copy of the pony’s registration certificate (this is declaring the pony to compete for All-Breed Awards as a New Forest Pony) and the pony’s USDF number
If the pony was already declared to compete for another registry (i.e. NASPR or ISR/Oldenburg) prior to the NFPSNA joining the All-Breed Awards program, a request to change All-Breeds declaration must be filed with the USDF, typically with a fee involved
The owner must be a USDF Participating or Business member in good standing
The rider must be a USDF Participating member in good standing
The pony must be lifetime registered with the USDF
Once all USDF participation requirements have been met by the competitor, the USDF will request verification from the NFPSNA that the pony, owner and rider meet all NFPSNA requirements for competing in the USDF All-Breed Awards Program. Once that verification is provided by the NFPSNA, the enrollment is complete for that competition year.
Note that the competition year for the USDF extends from October 1 - September 30
Awards Program Honoring Lifetime Achievement of NFPSNA Registered New Forest Ponies
Ponies enrolled in the NFPSNA Lifetime Achievement Program will earn recognition as they accumulate show points from year-to-year in the NFPSNA Year-End Awards Program. Points are cumulative over a pony’s lifetime. A pony needs only to be enrolled once to participate in the NFPSNA Lifetime Achievement Program, there are no further annual enrollment obligations. Points earned once enrolled will follow the pony through its lifetime, regardless of ownership.
Ponies competing for NFPSNA Year-End Awards must be enrolled in the NFPSNA Lifetime Achievement Program
Ponies competing for USDF All-Breed Awards must be enrolled in the NFPSNA Lifetime Achievement Program
Recognition is in the form of stars added to a pony’s registered name, as shown on their registration certificate, based on the number of points achieved.
Stars are awarded as follows:
Diamond (*****) 2000 points
Platinum (****) 1000 points
Gold (***) 750 points
Silver (**) 500 points
Bronze (*) 250 points
NFPSNA Lifetime Achievement awards begin to accrue upon receipt by the NFPSNA of the LTA Enrollment form, a copy of the pony’s registration certificate and payment. Forms are to be sent to the NFPSNA Show Points Secretary, payment, along with copies of the forms, is to be sent to the NFPSNA Secretary/Treasurer.
With the exception of inspection points (i.e. NASPR or ISR/Oldenburg mare, foal or stallion inspections), no points accumulated by a pony PRIOR to enrolling in the NFPSNA Lifetime Achievement Program will be counted toward Lifetime Achievement points.
The Lifetime Achievement Program began in 2003; any points accumulated by ponies registered with the NFPSNA would be from 2003 forward.
Stars are applied to the pony’s permanent registration certificate and follow the pony for its lifetime. Upon achieving sufficient points for a star to be added to a pony’s registration certificate, the NFPSNA Show Points Secretary will contact the pony’s current owner, letting them know of the achievement and instructing them to send their original registration certificate to the NFPSNA Assistant Registrar for updating with the stars. There is no fee for updating registration certificates with stars earned in the Lifetime Achievement Program.
Please reference the NFPSNA Rule Book for full rules and regulations and how to apply for the Lifetime Achievement Program.
Please read the rules when sending in show reports!!***
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